1. Improving the Governing Structure

YRPG attaches great importance to managing the risks and opportunities associated with climate change. To better implement the ESG concept and integrate climate risk-related work into the daily operations of YRPG, we have established a three-tier climate change governing structure composed of the executive committee, the ESG office, and various business functional departments, with the chairman holding the highest responsibility for climate change affairs.

2. Accurate Identification of Risks and Opportunities

YRPG has conducted a comprehensive analysis and identification of external influencing factors, such as government planning and policies, and internal influencing factors, including operational characteristics and business plans, to identify climate change risks associated with YRPG. In response to these risks, we have developed strategies to seize development opportunities and reduce the potential risks and adverse impacts of climate change on the Group's business development and operational management.

3. Scientifically Formulating Carbon Reduction Strategies

YRPG has released a dual-carbon action plan that outlines seven annual carbon reduction initiatives. Based on the overall framework of "one standard, four phases, and five mechanisms," multiple measures have been implemented to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, expand the scope of carbon inventory, and provide solid data support for precise carbon reduction efforts.

4. Vigorously Developing Renewable Energy

In response to the national call for carbon reduction, further decrease on carbon emissions, and to promote the transformation to green production, YRPG officially launched a photovoltaic construction project in October 2023 with a total scale of 30 megawatts for phases I and II. The phase I project was completed in April 2024. The project adopts a photovoltaic application model of "self-generation for self-use and surplus electricity to the grid." It is expected to generate approximately 31.974 million KWH of electricity in the first year, accounting for about 10% of the Group's total electricity consumption in 2023. It is expected to reduce the Group's carbon dioxide emissions by 18,235 tons, significantly enhancing the Group's environmental benefits.

Climate Actions